This is my absolute favourite skirt in the whole world! I adore the pattern, the style and just basically everything about it, it's from Motel (surprise surprise) and they also have loads of other similar styles that I will be investing in (especially now that my student loan has dropped). My top is from Missguided which is also another one of my favourite shops and my boots are from Topshop. I am a massive fan of chunky shoes and have managed to even convert my mum (an avid stiletto fan). I'm forever trying to make people appreciate the things that I love in life (don't even get me started on my love for curry), it's a really bad habit but I would definitely recommend buying these boots; they're about 4 inches high but super comfy and easy to walk in meaning that I can walk around 'gracefully' whilst pretending that I'm in the Spice Girls (I love platform shoes).
I wore this this outfit to see DJ EZ and I've got to say he was amazingly fantastic, even though my memory is slightly impaired due to alcohol consumption on the night, from what I can remember he was unreal. Go and see him live, you will not be disappointed.
Its a lovely skirt! I see why its your favorite :)